Delivering delightful memorable experiences every day is what we want to provide our Rockwell community. Outside of Rockwell’s exclusive and luxurious residences is another matter altogether.
Traveling, for instance, can be fraught with stress, even distress – from flight delays and cancellations, to long check-in lines, to crowded airports.
Luckily, Rockwell’s residents have an alternative to stressful commercial flights: air charter services.

There are many advantages to private air charters as opposed to flying commercial. Below are just a few of the many benefits worth considering.
1. Chartering allows you to customize your itinerary.
Chartering an aircraft allows you to create your own itinerary based on your specific needs. While there will still be some rules to follow, your freedom to choose how you want your trip to happen is a priority. You can choose departure and arrival terminals that are closest to your location and destination. This means that you do not have to waste your time dealing with long rides and road traffic, enabling you to spend more time enjoying what awaits you at your destination. You can even be picked up practically right at your doorstep – through the Rizal helipad!

2. Chartering allows you to take advantage of thousands of private airports.
For various reasons like the size of their aircraft to the marketability of a destination, commercial airlines only operate in a limited number of airports. But, when you hire a private aircraft, the number of airports, private or public, large or small, available to you multiplies, opening up an array of choices from private island getaways or exploring the little-known gems in the country.
3. Chartering allows you to set your own schedule.
One of the biggest hassles of commercial flights is delayed or even canceled flights. You can avoid this with private charters as these services allow you to set your own schedule for departure. You can simply come a few minutes before departure, instead of the long hours required for check-in when flying commercial.
4. Chartering lets you travel with more comfort.
A commercial flight often carries with it a colorful crowd, perhaps colicky infants with their overwrought parents, boisterous backpackers, and even the occasional drunk passenger. Flying privately means extending the privacy and luxury you experience at your own Rockwell residence to your travel experience. If you choose to, you can hold a meeting, work, or even sleep on the plane with nothing to disrupt you.

You can even customize your cuisine. Craving for that Chilean sea bass with dry miso? No problem. When you fly privately, the menu is completely up to you— down to the brand of your tea!
5. Chartering allows you to fly with only those you choose to – your family, your loved ones, your friends, or your team.
It is unavoidable. In a commercial flight, you will be crammed inside the plane with total strangers. Not so when you hire a charter service. The only people inside the plane will be the pilots, and your family, or your friends, or your team. Flying privately allows you to be yourself. You can talk to your son about his grades without fear of a stranger overhearing your conversation. You can discuss marketing strategies with your team knowing your competitor is nowhere near you. The plane will be just for you and the people you care about.
6. Chartering is easy.
Chartering a plane is no longer a mystery. Charter services are no further than a phone call or email away in this day and age.
7. Chartering lets you enjoy private lounges and terminals.
Comfortable quiet lounges where you can relax while waiting for friends, family, or business associates to arrive—this is another reason why hiring a chartered plane is a better way to fly. When the plane is ready, you will get a lift directly to your aircraft.
This list is but a glimpse into the many benefits that come with chartering a private aircraft.
So give the people you love the flight experience they deserve! On your next holiday or business trip, consider flying private with INAEC, a Rockwell affiliate.
INAEC can make a delightful and memorable travel experience happen for you!
For more information or to request a quote, visit or email INAEC at [email protected] or call Ms. Lexie Espinosa at +639178012473.