
Rockwell Performing Arts Theater Holds Ceremonial First Concrete Pouring

30 September 2017


The state-of-the-art Rock­well Per­form­ing Arts Theater will open in 2020 for cul­tural and arts en­thu­si­asts.

Rock­well Land re­cently held its cer­e­mo­nial first con­crete pour­ing for the Rock­well Per­form­ing Arts Theater at the Prosce­nium in Rock­well Cen­ter, Makati, last Sept. 26. Present dur­ing the mile­stone were the theater’s con­sul­tants, ar­chi­tect Car­los Ott, stage tech­nol­ogy con­sul­tant Horst Kunkel and acous­tic con­sul­tant Jo­erg Kum­mel. Join­ing them were Rock­well ex­ec­u­tives led by Rock­well Land chair­man, Am­bas­sador Manolo Lopez, and pres­i­dent, Nestor Padilla.

Rock­well Per­form­ing Arts Theater is the de­vel­oper’s first and one of the grand­est fea­tures of its big­gest project to date, aptly named The Prosce­nium at Rock­well. The Theater will be the hub of dis­cern­ing res­i­dents and guests of the five pre­mier res­i­den­tial tow­ers. The Prosce­nium also boasts other world-class ameni­ties and fa­cil­i­ties, in­clud­ing cu­rated shops at the Retail Cen­ter, an ex­pan­sive out­door Amenity Deck that mea­sures al­most a hectare with sev­eral re­fresh­ing pools, out­door courts and many more.

Unit own­ers will soon ex­pe­ri­ence this Rock­well life­style of arts and cul­ture, as the first res­i­den­tial tow­ers — named af­ter the the­aters — will turn over next year.

Be­hind the Rock­well Per­form­ing Arts Theater are three world-class pro­fes­sion­als re­spected in their fields: ar­chi­tect Car­los Ott, who is be­hind the over­all de­sign, shares, “The chal­lenge is to cre­ate some- thing dif­fer­ent yet at the same time blend with Rock­well Cen­ter tow­ers. Rock­well is a very well-planned com­mu­nity. I think that adding a fa­cil­ity for arts is a rea­son­able and smart thing to do.”


At the cer­e­mo­nial pour­ing for The Rock­well Performing Arts Theater are Rock­well Land chair­man Manolo Lopez (right) and Rock­well Land’s pres­i­dent and CEO Nestor Padilla ( 3rd from left) with (from left) Stage Tech­nol­ogy con­sul­tant Horst Kunkel; acous­tic con­sul­tant Je­org Kum­mel; ar­chi­tect Car­los Ott and Fr. Toti San Pe­dro.

Jo­erg Kum­mel, acous­tic con­sul­tant of the theater, said, “We will have the pos­si­bil­ity to lis­ten to orches­tras in nat­u­ral sound. We are not go­ing to trans­mit the sound through tech­nol­ogy but by na­ture, mean­ing pure physics from the walls as it should be.”

The Prosce­nium at Rock­well

The Prosce­nium at Rock­well is about to take cen­ter stage as it starts to turn over units for the first res­i­den­tial tow­ers next year.

Horst Kunkel, stage tech­nol­ogy con­sul­tant, says, “It’s the lat­est tech­nol­ogy avail­able in the world and this makes it very ad­vanced com­pared to other the­aters be­cause there are no other the­aters that are com­pat­i­ble with this kind of stage tech­nol­ogy.”

The Rock­well Per­form­ing Arts Theater is slated to open in the first quar­ter of 2020 to com­plete the Rock­well life­style ex­pe­ri­ence at the Prosce­nium in Rock­well.